These files are provided by the manufacturer. While Building Products Index takes every care to ensure the information is correct and up to date, we cannot be held liable for any out of date or incorrect information in them. You should check with the supplier before specifying or purchasing products.

1. Cordek Bespoke Solutions Brochure
Cordek offers a range of bespoke and complex formwork solutions for the construction of cast in-situ architectural features, finishes and shapes in Superstructure applications. These include the construction of arches, columns, staircases, and ribbed slab soffits (trough, waffle and feature formers).

Published [08/10/2024]File size [6378 KB]

1. Cordek Construction Solutions Brochure 2020
Concrete formwork moulds and formwork shuttering, Gas Protection - Ventform and Powerbase Gas Membranes, Ground Movement protection Cellcore, Cellform and Claymaster. Landfill Engineering - Tipform, Lightweight Fill & Void Formers - Filcor. Protection Materials - Correx and Seekure, Permanent Formwork - Cellform and Groundform, Piling Accessories - Pilecor, Pile Locators and Sheet Pile Infills, Trough and Waffle Moulds.

Published [08/10/2024]File size [6770 KB]

2. Cordek VOC and Ground Gas Protection Brochure
Passive Venting Systems & Accessories Gas Venting Outlets

Published [08/10/2024]File size [4141 KB]

3. Cordek Brochure Ground Heave V1
Concrete formwork moulds and formwork shuttering, Gas Protection - Ventform and Powerbase Gas Membranes, Ground Movement protection Cellcore, Cellform and Claymaster. Landfill Engineering - Tipform, Lightweight Fill & Void Formers - Filcor. Protection Materials - Correx and Seekure, Permanent Formwork - Cellform and Groundform, Piling Accessories - Pilecor, Pile Locators and Sheet Pile Infills, Trough and Waffle Moulds.

Published [08/10/2024]File size [1014 KB]

Cordek Joint & Stick Data Sheet v3
Joint & Stick is used to bond Cordek Filcor (EPS) to most common materials used in construction and for fixing, jointing, and sealing Cordek formwork systems.

Published [08/10/2024]File size [306 KB]

Cordek M-DS02 Reinforcement Spacer Data Sheet v2
Permanent Formwork for groundbeams and pile caps

Published [08/10/2024]File size [170 KB]

Cordek M-DS03 Cellcore HX Data Sheet v6
Ground Heave Solutions

Published [08/10/2024]File size [1227 KB]

Cordek M-DS04 Heaveguard Data Sheet v1
ground heave solutions

Published [25/10/2024]File size [1701 KB]

Cordek M-DS05 Cellvent HX Data Sheet v4
Ground Movement Gas Venting foundation Systems

Published [25/10/2024]File size [329 KB]

Cordek M-DS06 Ventform Data Sheet v4
Ground Gas Venting Foundations

Published [25/10/2024]File size [300 KB]

Cordek M-DS066 Ventform Plus Data Sheet v1
Ventform Plus provides an excellent passive gas venting medium under suitably reinforced concrete ground floor slabs with the additional benefit of incorporating below-slab insulation

Published [08/10/2024]File size [353 KB]

Cordek M-DS067 Bio Release Agent Data Sheet v1
Bio Release Agent is a fully biodegradable and environmentally safe formwork release agent for use with Cordek’s range of bespoke Infrastructure and Superstructure formwork products, and patterns and moulds.

Published [08/10/2024]File size [250 KB]

Cordek M-DS07 Puraflex VOC Membrane Data Sheet v4
VOC & Ground Gas Protection

Published [25/10/2024]File size [807 KB]

Cordek M-DS10 Puraflex DPC Data Sheet v4
VOC & Ground Gas Protection

Published [25/10/2024]File size [911 KB]

Cordek M-DS11 Tri-Gas Membrane Data Sheet
Cordek Tri-Gas Membrane is a high performance gas membrane for use in situations where resistance to methane, carbon dioxide and/or radon gas(es) is required.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [275 KB]

Cordek M-DS12 Gas Resistant Self Adhesive Membrane Data Sheet v3
The Cordek Gas Resistant Self Adhesive Membrane is generally used within foundation construction, predominantly to prevent the transmission of ground gases in both horizontal and vertical applications

Published [25/10/2024]File size [242 KB]

Cordek M-DS13 Gas Resistant DPC Data Sheet v2
The Cordek Gas Resistant DPC is a polymeric DPC, designed for use in applications where combined damp proofing and gas protection is required. The DPC is robust and flexible, performing well under high compressive loads.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [201 KB]

Cordek M-DS14 Radon Membrane Data Sheet V52
The Cordek Radon Membrane is a high performance gas membrane, for use in applications where resistance to radon gas is required as part of either a ‘full’ or ‘basic’ radon protection system.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [299 KB]

Cordek M-DS15 Radon Sump Data Sheet v3
radon sump ground gas protection

Published [25/10/2024]File size [64 KB]

Cordek M-DS16 Gas Venting Bollard Data Sheet v4
The Cordek Gas Vent Bollards provide an efficient and economical method of venting ground gases from beneath a building to the atmosphere when connected to a suitable venting system e.g. Cordek Ventform or Cellvent.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [600 KB]

Cordek M-DS17 Gas Venting System Accessories Data Sheet v2
The gas venting accessories are required to ensure a robust connection between the selected venting system and the vent outlets positioned at the perimeter of the building.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [553 KB]

Cordek M-DS18 Air Brick & Adjustable Cavity Vent Data Sheet v4
Air Brick & Adjustable Cavity Vent

Published [25/10/2024]File size [538 KB]

Cordek M-DS19 Double Sided Jointing Tape Data Sheet v2
The Cordek Double Sided Jointing Tape is a high performance polyisobutylene (PIB) based sealing tape with enhanced adhesive characteristics for more demanding applications, where there are requirements for a high degree of bonding.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [332 KB]

Cordek M-DS20 Gas Membrane Lap Tape Data Sheet v2
The Cordek Gas Membrane Lap Tape is typically used for the jointing of construction membranes including damp proof, radon and gas resistant sheet membranes for combined ground gas and damp proofing applications.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [365 KB]

Cordek M-DS21 Gas Resistant Detailing Strip Data Sheet v2
The Cordek Gas Resistant Detailing Strip is used for detailing work, when sealing a sheet membrane to penetrations e.g. steel columns, manholes, piles etc

Published [25/10/2024]File size [193 KB]

Cordek M-DS22 Sideform Data Sheet v4
heavy duty Correx sheeting system

Published [25/10/2024]File size [445 KB]

Cordek M-DS23 Corgrid Data Sheet v3
The Cordek Corgrid system is designed to provide an economical permanent formwork system for the construction of reinforced concrete ground beams, pile caps and other associated cast in-situ structures

Published [25/10/2024]File size [1049 KB]

Cordek M-DS25 Pilecor Data Sheet v4
The Pilecor system is designed to simplify theprocess of forming a structural connection between a bored pile and a basement construction.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [1810 KB]

Cordek M-DS26 Corbreak Data Sheet v2 2019
Corbreak is a unique system to aid the trimming down of piles. During the construction of piled foundations, it is quite often necessary to reduce the height of the piles and expose the reinforcement within them.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [360 KB]

Cordek M-DS27 Sheet Pile Infills Data Sheet v3
Sheet Pile Infills are designed as a quick, economical and lightweight solution to infilling the open pans in an exposed sheet pile wall. Manufactured to order from Filcor (Expanded Polystyrene), they are available in a range of profiles and densities to suit customer requirements

Published [25/10/2024]File size [395 KB]

Cordek M-DS28 Sacrificial Guide Wall Former Data Sheet v2
Sacrificial Guide Wall Formers are used to accurately form an insitu concrete guide wall which is critical in the positioning and alignment of piles in a contiguous or secant piled wall.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [602 KB]

Cordek M-DS29 Re-Useable Guide Wall Formwork Data Sheet v2
piling products

Published [25/10/2024]File size [320 KB]

Cordek M-DS32 Ground Level Vent Box Data Sheet v5
ground level vent box

Published [25/10/2024]File size [1398 KB]

Cordek M-DS34 Cellcore HG Data Sheet v5
Ground Heave Solutions

Published [25/10/2024]File size [456 KB]

Cordek M-DS41 Filcor Data Sheet v10
Filcor (Expanded Polystyrene) is increasingly being specified for an ever-growing range of applications. The most common applications include use as a lightweight structural fill alternative to more traditional fill materials or as a lightweight void former in structural concrete.

Published [08/10/2024]File size [412 KB]

Cordek M-DS44 Geocomposite Vent Mat Data Sheet
The Geocomposite Vent Mat is part of Cordek’s VOC and Ground Gas Venting System range, designed to dilute and disperse hazardous ground gases and VOCs from beneath the footprint of buildings to the atmosphere. GeocompositeVentMat.

Published [25/10/2024]File size [155 KB]

w. Cordek St Margarets Head Railway Tunnel Case Study

Published [21/09/2023]File size [4115 KB]