These files are provided by the manufacturer. While Building Products Index takes every care to ensure the information is correct and up to date, we cannot be held liable for any out of date or incorrect information in them. You should check with the supplier before specifying or purchasing products.

MACCAFERRI LTD: a. Maccaferri Engineering a Better Solution
Detailing all Maccaferri solutions vary from applications
Published [15/07/2024]File size [2008 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: a. PoliMac® Wire Protection for a Changing World
Published [07/01/2025]File size [3790 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: b. Flood & Emergency Works Brochure
Emergency river works, Landslide and erosion control or emergency work, coastal erosion, permanent and temporary demountable flood barriers
Published [07/01/2025]File size [1229 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: c. Maccaferri Rockfall Protection & Snow Barriers
Mesh Systems, Rockfall Netting, Steelgrid® HR, HEA Panels, Ring Nets, Testing & Design
Published [07/01/2025]File size [2189 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: d. Retaining Walls & Soil Reinforcement Brochure
retaining walls and soil reinforcement. Slope reinforcement, Gabions, Green Terramesh, Mineral Terramesh, Paralink, Paragrid, Paradrain geogrids. MacWall, Landmark blocks. MacRES. ParaWeb geostips. Timber crib retaining walls. Cubiroc Gabions.
Published [07/01/2025]File size [1570 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: e. Coastal & Marine Protection Brochure
coastal and marine protection, Ballasted Mattresses, Gabions, Reinforced Geomats.
Published [07/01/2025]File size [1721 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: f. Efficient Soultions for Railways Works Brochure
Gabions,Retaining Walls, Geotextiles/Drainage, Geocomposite Drainage Systems, Civil Engineering Geocomposites,
Published [27/10/2023]File size [548 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: g. Soil Stabilisation & Pavements Brochure
Soil Stabilisation & Pavements,Structural reinforcement of asphalt, Asphalt Pavement reinforcement and Drainage
Unbound pavement reinforcement
Published [07/01/2025]File size [1563 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: h. Maccaferri Product Merchant Guide
Gabions,Retaining Walls, Geotextiles/Drainage, Geocomposite Drainage Systems, Civil Engineering Geocomposites, Geogrids, Soil Reinforcement, Erosion Control Matting, Erosion Control, Steel Geocomposites, Geocell Mattress, Embankment Reinforcement.
Published [22/11/2021]File size [1105 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: i. Solutions for Developers Brochure
Mass Gravity Retaining Walls,Woven Mesh Gabion Walls, Reinforced Soil Walls and Slopes, Reno Mattresses for Water Management Erosion Protection.
Published [27/10/2023]File size [626 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: j. Hydraulic Works Brochure
River, Canal and Watercourse Erosion Protection and Linings
Published [07/01/2025]File size [2103 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: k. Maccaferri Renomesh Brochure
Published [15/07/2024]File size [4056 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: l. Maccaferri MacGuide Rev 03 Sep24
Published [07/01/2025]File size [4734 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: m. Gabion Walls - Design The Change
Published [07/01/2025]File size [2275 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: m. High Durability Rockfall Coatings
Published [07/01/2025]File size [3504 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri DT Links Flyer
A Product flyer about Maccaferri Double-Twist Links
Published [08/11/2022]File size [131 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri Green Terramesh® Flyer
A product flyer about Maccaferri Green Terramesh®
Published [06/02/2024]File size [653 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri HelloMac Flyer
A product about Maccaferri HelloMac
Published [06/02/2024]File size [668 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri MacDrain® Flyer
A product flyer about Maccaferri MacDrain®
Published [06/02/2024]File size [514 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri MacMat® Flyer
A product flyer about Maccaferri MacMat®
Published [06/02/2024]File size [819 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri MacMat® R Flyer
A product flyer about Maccaferri MacMat® R
Published [06/02/2024]File size [335 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri MacTex® C7 Flyer
MacTex® C7 extends the design life of asphalt pavements by delaying the onset of failure mechanisms occurring, thereby reducing whole life costs
Published [15/07/2024]File size [106 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri MacWall® Flyer
A product flyer about Maccaferri MacWall®
Published [06/02/2024]File size [771 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri Mineral Terramesh® Flyer
A product flyer about Maccaferri Mineral Terramesh®
Published [06/02/2024]File size [611 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri ParaDrain® Flyer
A product flyer about Maccaferri ParaDrain
Published [06/02/2024]File size [660 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri ParaLink® Flyer
A product flyer about Maccaferri ParaLink®
Published [06/02/2024]File size [537 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri PoliMac® Flyer
A product flyer about Maccaferri PoliMac®
Published [06/02/2024]File size [239 KB]

MACCAFERRI LTD: Maccaferri SteelGrid® HR Flyer
SteelGrid® HR is a high stiffness composite mesh offering high tensile strength at low elongation and high punch resistance at low deflection
Published [15/07/2024]File size [2790 KB]