Suppliers of: Gabions,Retaining Walls, Geotextiles/Drainage,Geotextiles, Geocomposite Drainage Systems, Civil Engineering Geocomposites, Geogrids, Soil Reinforcement, Erosion Control Matting, Erosion Control, Steel Geocomposites, Geocell Mattress, Embankment Reinforce
MACCAFERRI are a global company who dramatically changed civil engineering´s landscape after inventing Gabions 140 years ago. Our highly-specialised professionals are trained in designing and developing complex solutions in the civil engineering, geotechnical and environmental construction markets. We do not simply sell products we strive to be the leading technical reference for design and development in advanced projects and are strongly committed to solving our clients´problems. Today we are the undisputed leader in the manufacturing and supply of gabions and associated wire mesh products to the global construction industry.
Our solutions start from the design phase of the project with the simple aim of solving a problem and proceed through all the stages of development - manufacturing, designing and installing solutions and end with a close-knit, multi-level integration result.
Environmental protection is an essential factor for us and we are ethically engaged. Maccaferri´s solutions are better as we design and develop them with an eye on quality of life and on preserving the environment and our communities for future generations. We have always stood out for the reliability, transparency and professionalism of our management while abiding by all pertinent laws.
Useful Resources:
- Free CPD Seminars: A range of CPD seminars are available - Click here for more information
- Product Updates: Subscribe to Maccaferri Newsletter - Click Here
- BIM & CAD Files: Available on request - Click Here
- EPD: (Environmental Product Declarations) - Click Here
- Latest News: See our latest projects and product news - Click Here
- Design Software: Start designing with our cloud-based software - Click Here
Useful Contacts:
1. South Wales & South West England - Craig Burrows 07394 020 326
2. South East England - Hadi Rana 07841 474101
3. Yorkshire - Karin Carnielli 07719 969863
4. Scotland & North West England – Julie Hyslop 07889 597096
5. North East England – Jack Roberston 07442 875733
6. Midlands & North Wales - Luckeet Rathod 07475 546476
7. Northern Ireland – Michael Crowe 07767 438484
8. Republic of Ireland – Craig Stoker +353 (0) 87 634 8478
9. Business Development – Casey O’Donoghue 07841 475169
Biodegradable Products
Maccaferri’s BioMac of erosion protection blankets are made of natural fibres; jute, straw, coir, sisal and are supplied in a roll. BioMac blankets are flexible and are laid on the soil surface to provide immediate erosion protection to a newly laid soil layer, or an existing vulnerable slope.
CubiMac Prefilled Gabions CubiMac are baskets manufactured from robust double twist steel wire mesh 8x10 type Polimac® coated steel wire 3.4 mm diameter. CubiMac has been specifically developed for their use in construction sites where the in-situ filling is not possible or inconvenient (i.e. installation underwater). CubiMac can be filled using a special frame combined with a shaking table to ensure the stones compaction by vibration; the units are equipped with polyester round slings to enable easy handling using standard lifting devices (i.e. crane).
Maccaferri’s DT gabion is a double-twisted wire mesh container of variable sizes uniformly partitioned into internal cells. They are interconnected with other similar units and filled with stone at the project site to form flexible, permeable, monolithic structures such as mass gravity walls, channel linings, revetments and weirs for geotechnical, hydraulic and erosion control projects. What sets Maccaferri’s gabion baskets apart are their high-quality manufacturing with 3rd-party certifications, heavy-duty galvanising, and the unique PoliMac polymeric coating.
MacDrain® drainage geocomposites replace traditional gravel or aggregate-based drainage systems within construction.
High strength ParaLink® geogrids, offering high strength with very low strain characteristics, used in conjunction with the piles, can take the place of the embankment foundation slab. These grids are placed in a single layer within a granular raft, immediately in contact with the pile caps.
Maccaferri’s ParaGrid® uniaxial geogrids are used in many soil reinforcement applications; in combination with the Terramesh® range; in our MacWall segmental blockwork reinforced soil wall; in traditional wrapped face soil reinforced slopes.
Maccaferri’s ParaDrain® is a unique high-performance geogrid that combines soil reinforcement and drainage functions in one product. ParaDrain® has been designed with sustainability in mind; it enables the reuse of marginal fills that would normally be disposed of off-site and replaced with quarried materials.
MacMat® geomats protects vulnerable soil surfaces from erosion by rain, stormwater runoff, hydraulic action or wind. It supports the revegetation of soil slopes by reinforcing delicate root systems as they develop.
MacLine® GCL is a geosynthetic clay liner which when hydrated on-site, provides a very low permeability lining system for use in waterproofing systems or geological barriers.
Green Terramesh® is an environmentally friendly, modular system used to form vegetated (green) faced soil-reinforced slopes (RSS) and embankments. It consists of prefabricated units of double-twisted wire mesh lined with an erosion control blanket and stiffened with a welded mesh panel. Pre-formed steel braces are supplied to be connected at the job site to maintain the unit to the required slope angle during backfilling operations, removing the need for any external formwork or shuttering.
HELLOMAC is an alert system developed to monitor rockfall protection installations, particularly in remote areas. HELLOMAC detects events on the rockfall installation (boulder impact, stresses, sagging and the like.) and sends real-time notifications via App, Email and SMS.Due to its compact dimensions and robust shell structure, made with a special metal alloy, it is able to withstand aggressive environmental conditions and considerable loads. Not only is it simple to install, but it does not require calibration.
The MacWall® segmental blockwork retaining wall system combines the aesthetics of masonry walls with the engineered reassurance of reinforced earth. Segmental block retaining walls (SRWs) are increasing in popularity due to their ease of construction, cost-effectiveness and versatility.
Mineral Terramesh® is a unique and simple-to-install soil reinforcement system with a sloping rockface finish. It is suitable for where a modern, clean-faced aesthetic is preferred. Mineral Terramesh® can be used either alone or in conjunction with the company’s ParaGrid® or ParaDrain® geogrids depending on the height of the reinforced soil structure.
Our Reno Mattress® Plus are units manufactured from double-twisted hexagonal woven steel wire mesh and are divided into uniformly portioned cells. The Reno mattress® Plus are filled with stones at the project to form flexible, permeable, monolithic structures such as riverbank protection and channel linings for erosion control projects.
Maccaferri Road Mesh is a planar grid material used for the structural reinforcement of asphalt pavements and provides lateral restraint to the asphalt, improving resistance to rutting and extending fatigue life, minimising disruption through pot-holes and resurfacing works.
Rockfall Drapery Mesh DT drapery mesh is a core component of Maccaferri’s MacRO rockfall mitigation and natural hazard protection application area. It is part of a range of mesh systems that are selected according to analysis of project site conditions and client requirements. DT Mesh is engineered from double-twisted hexagonal woven steel wire and is used as a drapery system to prevent rocks and debris from falling onto roads and railways. It has been in use for over 50 years.
Steelgrid HR The Steelgrid HR System is an innovative complete system for rockfall mitigation and slope consolidation works. It is used as a drapery system or as a high stiffness (low extension) bolted facing when anticipated loads exceed the capability of traditional DT Mesh. Steelgrid is a high-strength, high-stiffness composite combining the versatility and practical benefits of double-twist mesh with the exceptional stiffness and mechanical durability of high-tensile steel cables in a single homogenous structure.
The Terramesh® modular reinforced soil system is used to form a gabion-faced MSE wall. The facing section of the unit is formed by connecting a back panel and diaphragms to the main fascia unit, creating the rectangular-shaped box used for stone confinement. The geogrid reinforcement, fascia and lid are all one continuous panel of mesh. Units are supplied in standard lengths, requiring no cuts on site.
Following on-site assembly, the fascia unit is filled with suitable gabion stone fill. Structural backfill is then placed upon the soil reinforcement geogrids and compacted. Further technical information, image galleries and product specifications are available on the Maccaferri website or via the BPi Download Library.
Maccaferri’s first PVC Gabion installation in the UK
In the late 1940s to early 1950s, the riverbank adjacent to Whitby Road began to experience gradual slipping and occasional collapses due to scour, posing a risk to the public highway. Initially, engineers considered using steel sheet piling to construct a river wall, with sufficient toe penetration and mass concrete anchor blocks. However, the estimated cost of £14,000 prompted a search for a more economical solution, leading to the decision to stabilise the area with Maccaferri Gabions.
At that time, gabions were widely used across Europe but were relatively unknown in the UK, except for a few isolated projects. Gabions are wire mesh baskets filled with stone, which can be stacked to create a wall or revetment. These baskets offer a quick and efficient way to convert loose stone into stable building units. The advantages of gabions include their permeability, which reduces lateral pressure from the water, and their flexibility, allowing them to adjust to significant displacement due to scour or settlement without losing stability.
The Gabion project was undertaken not only to cut stabilisation costs, which ultimately amounted to just £5,000 but also to evaluate the construction method for potential use in larger future projects. Additionally, gabions offered the benefit of easy extension in the event of future road improvements. The project involved constructing 600 cubic meters of gabions, arranged in four tiers.
In 1985, a gabion unit was removed from the anti-scour apron of a wall constructed by the Bristol City Corporation along the canal at Whitby Road, Bristol. This unit was among the first PVC-coated types used in the UK and was extracted to assess the condition of the PVC sheathing after more than 30 years of service.
All tests conducted on the 30-year-old wire yielded results comparable to those expected of the new material. This, along with the proven durability of the wall and the visual inspection of the mesh, confirms its suitability for use in saline and corrosive environments.
Seventy years after its installation along Whitby Road, the gabion wall has seamlessly merged with its surroundings, becoming a fully vegetated part of the landscape. The once-visible wire mesh and stones are now enveloped by plant life, with roots interwoven through the structure, enhancing its stability. Mosses, grasses, and shrubs thrive in the crevices, while larger plants and trees further anchor the wall. Initially designed for stability and cost-effectiveness, the wall now serves as a habitat for wildlife, demonstrating the long-term durability of gabions and their ability to blend into the natural environment.
Unveiling Maccaferri's Paradigm Shifting Solutions In Civil Engineering
We are excited to invite you to an exclusive webinar hosted by Murtaza Khan, where we will be showcasing our ParaRange suite of cutting-edge solutions in civil engineering. If you're looking to stay at the forefront of innovation, this is an opportunity you won't want to miss!
Webinar Title: ParaRange Precision: Unveiling Maccaferri's Paradigm-Shifting Solutions in Civil Engineering
Date: 23/10/24
Time: 11:00 AM
Duration: 45 minutes
Registration Link: via our website
What We'll Cover:
Explore the full scope of Maccaferri's ParaRange solutions designed to enhance project performance across a range of civil engineering applications:
ParaGrid – Exceptional reinforcement for retaining structures and embankments
ParaGrid W – Enhanced flexibility with durable woven geogrid technology
ParaLink – High-strength geogrid for extreme loading conditions
ParaWeb – Cost-effective reinforcement for various civil structures
ParaDrain – Combined drainage and reinforcement for challenging environments
This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of each product's key features, benefits, and real-world applications, helping you make informed decisions for your projects..
Don't miss this chance to discover how Maccaferri's ParaRange solutions can transform your civil engineering projects with unparalleled precision and reliability.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinar!
Best regards,