These files are provided by the manufacturer. While Building Products Index takes every care to ensure the information is correct and up to date, we cannot be held liable for any out of date or incorrect information in them. You should check with the supplier before specifying or purchasing products.
1. SAS ProWall Brochure 071123
Renders, External Render, EWI systems, rainscreen cladding system, Rendered cladding system, fire rated cladding
Published [17/12/2024]File size [18937 KB]
2. SAS GoRend Brochure 2023
HBS Monocouche Render - GoRend HBS is a factory batched, through coloured monocouche render
Published [17/01/2025]File size [8217 KB]
2. SAS ProRend Colourtex Brochure 071123
Renders, External Render, EWI systems, Coloured renders, Coloured mortars, Render Colours
Published [17/01/2025]File size [19746 KB]
2. SAS ProRend EIFS Brochure
Renders, External Render, EWI systems, External wall insulation finishing system, Wall rendering
Published [17/01/2025]File size [8024 KB]
3. SAS ProBead Brochure 2024
PROFESSIONAL PVCu RENDER AND PLASTER BEADS, external wall insulation finishing, external render, EWI Systems, external Renders, Render Beads, Render Profiles, Plaster Beads, Render Trim, Plaster trim. PVC-u / UPVC Beads.
Published [17/12/2024]File size [2922 KB]
4. SAS ProMesh Render & Plaster Reinforcing Mesh Brochure
RENDER and PLASTER REINFORCING MESH, external renders, Exterior Renders, EWI Systems, Render Beads, Render Profiles, Plaster Beads, Render Trim, Plaster trim
Published [17/01/2025]File size [2595 KB]
5. SAS Rendering Tools Brochure
Rendering tools, Render tools, power floats, nail floats, bucket trowels, skimming trowels, render mixers, finishing spatulas, ashlar tools
Published [17/12/2024]File size [4686 KB]
6. SAS ProRend Paint Brochure 261023
ProRend Water Resistant Masonry Paint and Self Clean Masonry paint. Silicone Masonry Paints.
Published [17/01/2025]File size [3913 KB]
SAS BBA Cert Prowall Rainscreen Cladding - Render Finish
This Agrément Certificate Product Sheet relates to ProWall Rainscreen Cladding — Render Finish, comprising the ProRend Colourtex Render System applied on ProBoard render carrier board, for use as an exterior wall façade panel system in timber-frame and steel-frame residential and commercial buildings. Its use is restricted in terms of height and proximity to a boundary.
Published [14/02/2025]File size [1698 KB]
SAS GoRend HBS TDS 2021
GoRend HBS is a factory batched, through coloured render, specifically designed and formulated for new build properties. External renders. Exterior Renders.
Published [14/02/2025]File size [129 KB]
SAS ProBead BBA Certificate Feb 2022
This Agrément Certificate Product Sheet relates to ProBead External Render Beads, a range of coloured PVC-U extrusions for use with render on new or existing buildings. PVCu Render Trim.
Published [14/02/2025]File size [567 KB]
SAS ProRend CTX Grained TDS
ProRend Colourtex Grained is a ready mixed silicone based finish, manufactured from fine natural and coloured aggregates. ProRend Colourtex Grained is a textured finish that has excellent weather, scratch and knock resistant qualities. Renders. External renders. Exterior Renders.
Published [31/01/2025]File size [119 KB]
SAS ProRend CTX Uniform TDS
ProRend Colourtex is a premium, silicone resin thin-coat render. This highly water resistant render is available in our own colours or a custom colour. External renders. Exterior Renders.
Published [31/01/2025]File size [119 KB]
SAS ProRend EIFS BBA Certificate
This Agrément Certificate Product Sheet relates to the ProRend EIFS (EPS) External Wall Insulation System, comprising mechanically fixed white expanded polystyrene (EPS) or grey, graphite-enhanced insulation boards, with supplementary adhesive, a glassfibre mesh reinforced basecoat and various finish coats. External renders. Exterior Renders.
Published [14/02/2025]File size [1392 KB]
SAS ProRend Mineraltex TDS
ProRend Mineraltex is a premium, mineral thin coat render. This high-performing render is available in four colours and protects against extreme weather conditions in exposed or damp locations. External renders. Exterior Renders.
Published [31/01/2025]File size [113 KB]
SAS ProRend Self Cleaning Masonry Paint TDS
ProRend Self-Clean Masonry Paint (SCM) is a silicone based hydrophobic, self cleaning exterior paint used for application over mineral backgrounds, ProRend basecoats and decorative renders.
Published [31/01/2025]File size [114 KB]
SAS ProRend Water Repellent Masonry TDS
ProRend Water Repellent Masonry Paint (WRM) is a silicone based exterior paint used for application over mineral backgrounds, ProRend basecoats and decorative renders.
Published [31/01/2025]File size [115 KB]
w. Case Study Moor Park Prorend Eco Houses
PROREND AT MOOR PARK A new developement of eco-houses
Published [23/02/2024]File size [810 KB]
w. Case Study Prorend at Great Western Hotel Exeter
Published [23/02/2024]File size [866 KB]
w. Case Study Prorend EIFS Rail System Stoke Quay
Published [23/02/2024]File size [143 KB]
w. Case Study Prowall at Bridlington Leisure World
Published [23/02/2024]File size [686 KB]
w. Case Study Prowall at Carneithen Whitesands
Published [23/02/2024]File size [621 KB]
w. Case Study Quarry Cottage Prowall Remedial Work
Published [23/02/2024]File size [1056 KB]
w. Case Study Quarry Whitbread Facades for Premier Inn, Beefeater
Facades for Premier Inn, Beefeater
Published [23/02/2024]File size [1571 KB]