These files are provided by the manufacturer. While Building Products Index takes every care to ensure the information is correct and up to date, we cannot be held liable for any out of date or incorrect information in them. You should check with the supplier before specifying or purchasing products.
1. Naylor Product Guide 2024
Naylor provides a comprehensive range of high quality, high performance drain, ducting systems, sewerage and storm systems for use in the highways, power, utilities, commercial, industrial, housing, rail and agriculture sectors to enable essential infrastructure.
Underground drainage pipes, Land drainage pipes, ducts, sewer pipes, stormwater and surface water SuDS systems. Gravel paving systems.
MetrodrainLC, NDrain, Metroduct, Aquavoid, EnviroFlow, Smartsponge, GroundgridPlus.
Published [19/11/2024]File size [22996 KB]
2. Naylor Sewer Product Leaflet
Durable, high quality twin wall polypropylene sewer systems. Sewer Pipes.
Published [08/10/2024]File size [532 KB]
3. Naylor Drain Product Leaflet
High performance surface & stormwater drainage systems. Underground drainage pipes. Land drainage pipes.
MetrodrainLC, NDrain.
Published [08/10/2024]File size [501 KB]
4. Naylor Storm Product Leaflet
Environmental and sustainable urban drainage solutions (SuDS). Stormwater management. Surface water management.
AquaVoid, Smartsponge, Groundgrid, Enviroflow.
Published [19/11/2024]File size [601 KB]
5. Naylor Duct Product Leaflet
Plastic ducting systems for civils, power and telecommunications.
Published [08/10/2024]File size [532 KB]
Naylor Class 1 Twin Wall Data Sheet
Twinwall PP ducting system for use as underground ducting for electricity power cables. Duct couplers are pre-fitted to one end of the stick, IP4X system with a seal. Elastomeric seals can be supplied separately if required
Published [14/01/2025]File size [952 KB]
Naylor Class 2 Twin Wall Data Sheet
Twinwall PE ducting system for use as underground ducting for electricity power cables. Duct couplers are pre-fitted to one end of the stick, IP4X system with a seal. Elastomeric seals can be supplied separately if required.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1058 KB]
Naylor Drain Agri-Drain Leaflet
Our single wall corrugated pipe system is designed specifically for land drainage applications.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1379 KB]
Naylor Drain Gullies Data Sheet
Ribbed Gullies Designed to collect surface water runoff and form as a key component for an efficient drainage system.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1004 KB]
Naylor Drain Inspection and Catchpit Chambers Leaflet
The product is made up of a single piece that is rotationally moulded, EASY FIT SEAL technology ensures that connected pipe and accessories are easy to install and ensure a strong connection with the base unit.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1263 KB]
Naylor Drain Kitemarked Land Drain Data Sheet
Our single wall corrugated kitemarked pipe system is designed specifically for land drainage applications.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1368 KB]
Naylor Drain N-Drain Data Sheet
HDPE twinwall plastic pipe with a corrugated exterior and
smooth interior available with perforations for use as drainage
in agricultural applications where an air test is not required.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1221 KB]
Naylor Drain Wrapped Land Drain Data Sheet
Our single wall corrugated pipe system is designed specifically for land drainage applications. Manufactured from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), Naylor land drain pipes are strong, easy to install and available in perforated and unperforated designs for the removal of excess surface water or water attenuation.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1314 KB]
Naylor Metrodrain Bends Data Sheet
High-density polyethylene pipes welded together, then a polypropylene sheet/coupler is welded over the outer surface. DN150 Bends are available in polypropylene by injection moulding
Published [14/01/2025]File size [916 KB]
Naylor Metroduct - Single Wall Data Sheet
MetroDuct is available in singlewall corrugated profiles.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1364 KB]
Naylor Metroduct - Twinwall Data Sheet
Twinwall HDPE ducting system for use in highways as underground ducting for electricity, gas and water supplies, and for street lighting cables and fibre optic cabling for telecommunications.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1668 KB]
Naylor MetroSewer Data Sheet
MetroSewer is a range of structured wall gravity sewer pipes and fittings. MetroSewer is available in 150mm, 225mm & 300mm diameters and is designed for new and replacement sewer systems
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1027 KB]
Naylor MetroSmooth – Single Wall Data Sheet
A range of smooth bore solid wall polyethylene ducting is available manufactured to industry standard dimensional specifications in many ODs, colours, wall thicknesses and lengths as required
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1218 KB]
Naylor Storm SmartSponge Leaflet
The Naylor SmartSponge is a unique hydrocarbon removal system
designed to remove the oil and permanently bond it into the molecular structure of the material so it cannot be removed under any circumstances
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1371 KB]
Naylor uPVC General Purpose Duct Data Sheet
uPVC general purpose duct is a single wall pipe manufactured under ISO 9001:2015.. uPVC general purpose duct is produced with inbuilt push-fit sockets.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [951 KB]
Naylor uPVC Power Cable Duct Class 2
uPVC Power Cable duct is a single wall pipe manufactured under ISO 9001:2015, compliant with ENA TS 12-24 for Class 2 standard. uPVC Power Cable duct is produced with inbuilt push-fit sockets in tested to IP4X in accordance with BS EN 6052.
Published [14/01/2025]File size [1205 KB]