Suppliers of: external pipe insulation, phenolic ductwork preformed pipe insulation Class 0
GRM Insulation Solutions are leading UK manufacturers of insulation for pipes and ductwork.
GRM insulation includes pipe insulation for suitable for internal and external Copper, Steel, Plastic and Stainless Steel Pipe work, spiral galvanised ductwork and small diameter ductwork.
Our Branded Ranges include:
BetaPlus Phenolic Pipe Insulation & Pipe Supports.
BetaPlus is a factory applied Class O aluminium foil vapour barrier with phenolic pipe insulation. Preformed to standard diameters of 15mm to 381mm. BetaPlus pipe insulation meet and exceed criteria of BS5422 – 2009 and is CFC Free. It also provides a very high resistance to moisture penetration and is the ideal pipe insulation for cold, chilled and low temperature hot water pipework.
The BetaPlus is also available with its own range of pipe supports and hangers. Bespoke sizes are also available in addition to standard densities of 80kg and 120kg.
NovaClad External Pipe Insulation
NovaClad is a weatherproof, watertight taped pipe insulation system ideal for exposed pipework. Available in a range of colours and manufactured to standard sizes of 15mm to 381mm. A single fix taped system that requires no that requires no screws, rivets or sealants.
BetaDuct Pre Insulated Flanged Duckwork.
BetaDuct is a duct system manufactured from rigid phenolic insulation with a Class 0 bright aluminium foil facing on both sides. Preformed V slot and tape system that is easy to fit, BetaDuct applications include air ductwork supply and return for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
NovaDuct & NovaWrap Phenolic Insulation
BetaWrap compliments BetaPlus pipework and is a slotted phenolic ridgid insulation board that accommodates BetaPlus insulated pipes. NovaDuct is a weatherproof rigid Polyisocyanurate insulation board for use on external HVAC ductwork systems.
Pipework & Duckwork Insulation Products
In addition to our above ranges GRM Insulation Solutions also supply:
- Polyurethane and extruded Polystyrene insulation
- Ductwork Supports (Croc Strips)
- Pre-insulated Phenolic Plenum Boxes
- PIR Insulated Pipe Sections, Supports and Slabs for Cryogenic, Industrial and Process applications