As we renewed the energy contracts for our sites at the end of 2024, we made a conscious decision to change to a supplier who could provide 100% renewable energy.
AGS REGO Certificate
When our previous contracts were due to expire, Scottish Power offered us “Renewable for Business”, which is their first ever 100% renewable energy tariff for small and medium-sized (SME) business customers. This plan offers businesses clear and simple energy solutions to help reduce their carbon footprint, playing a key part in the transition away from fossil fuels.
Renewable electricity comes from natural sources that are constantly replenished, such as waves, wind and sunlight, and are usually low or zero carbon. Scottish Power have 38 onshore windfarm sites hosting 1157 turbines providing the capacity to generate 1948MW of electricity. That’s enough to power the equivalent of over 1.2 million homes.
Every unit of electricity supplied is 100% matched with renewable energy generated by Scottish Power from their renewable sources in the UK. It’s backed by REGOs (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin), verified by independent auditors and sustainability experts, and means we can report zero emissions for the energy we buy.
As a business, AGS always strives to keep pace with new developments in technology, taking on board the benefits to the environment which we can help to achieve.