ProRend Masonry Paint – Silicone Resin For More Than Just a Pretty Finish

June 2023

Silicone resin masonry paints look like, and are applied, much like any other paint but have outstanding innovative properties that make for durable and attractive facades.

ProRend Masonry Paints come in a range of colours, are applied by brush, roller or spray and yet offer water vapour permeability and low water absorption that are not found in standard paints.

Use on masonry for repair and preservation of older buildings, or new build homes and commercial buildings for a highly protective finish.

We coat building surfaces with render and paints to protect them from water – from rain that soaks in, and from frost that expands and breaks up brick and block. Buildings with weathered and damaged surfaces will likely have become porous, and will easily draw water and salts in to become saturated.

Masonry paint has long been used to protect building surfaces and make them look better, but relatively recently new technologies have increased the durability and vapour permeability of masonry paints.

ProRend masonry paints, both Water Resistant and Self-Clean use a silicone resin base. Silicone resin provides:

Increased durability
Water vapour permeability
Protection from water ingress
Low water absorption
Protection from pollutants and chemicals (acid rain)
High resistance to scratch and chips
Stain resistance

ProRend masonry paints are formulated to both protect buildings from water whilst allowing the passage of water vapour – allowing the wall to ‘breathe’ so that water, and any moulds and fungus it contains, is not trapped. Trapped water also causes failure of a coating’s bond, seen as blistering and peeling.

An important quality of silicone resin is that it is both organic and inorganic, so can form bonds between these different compounds – both within the coating itself for strength and colour retention, and between the paint and the organic surface.

All ProRend Masonry Paints have a silicone resin base and come in two variants: Water Repellent and Self-Clean, which has additional properties that allow rain to wash off dirt particulates in the rain. ProRend Paints come with a 10-year guarantee and are available in over 65,000 colours. Both Water Repellent and Self-Clean come in a standard range of 16 colours or choose a custom colour to match or complement a colour of your choice.

The final benefit of silicone-based paint is that it can be easily over-painted, as fresh silicone resin-based paint has a low surface tension that can easily bond to a previous coat.

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