AKW Invests in Local Community and Environmental Impact Reduction

June 2023

AKW Invests in Local Community and Environmental Impact Reduction

AKW, a leading provider of inclusive bathroom and kitchen solutions, has been investing increasing time and money in benefitting the environment and local communities. As a result, the company has reduced single use plastic packaging waste, improved recycling, helped customers save water and committed to 300 business days of employee volunteering this year.

AKW is in the process of reducing single use packaging and packaging reviews are taking place across its product portfolio. To date, 98% of single use packaging for shower screens and waste pumps has been replaced with a biodegradable alternative; saving 2.3 tonnes of single use plastic packaging going to landfill each year. In addition, recycling efforts across the business have been accelerated and 100% of polythene and cardboard waste is now captured and recycled.

AKW has also been promoting water saving practices by redesigning key products within its ranges to promote water efficiency. A water saving campaign, including a guide and competition has been very successful and already approximately 1,500 ‘take shorter showers’ timers have been given out to customers and end users, with many more planned for distribution in coming months.

Along with supporting the local community with food bank donations, Easter egg collections, and a range of charity fundraiser events, AKW has also launched its Helping Hands, UK-wide employee volunteer scheme. This involves AKW allocating 300 days of work time per year for employees to volunteer for a cause they are passionate about. In addition, the company – based in Droitwich – continues to support the Warrington Disability Partnership as its charity partner, with product donations and specific fundraising events planned for 2023.

Nick Parsons, AKW Group CEO, comments: “It is important for us as an industry to invest in environmental, social, and corporate governance. Here at AKW, we are committed to investing in opportunities that make a real difference to our employees and the communities we are involved in. Although there is still so much more to do, here at AKW, we are very proud of the impact our range of initiatives have had so far on our local community and the wider environment.”

For more information on how you can help you save water and money, why not download AKW’s latest water and energy cost saving guide: https://www.akw-ltd.co.uk/document/water-energy-cost-saving-guide/

For more information contact AKW on 01905 823298, Email: sales@akw-ltd.co.uk or visit www.akw-ltd.co.uk

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