Link Road Mural, Peterborough

August 2022

The Link Road Mural in Peterborough, was originally designed and painted by artist Francis Gomila in 1982. The mural was depicting local characters in a typical street scene and had faded badly over the years.

The restoration has been managed by Peterborough Presents, however it was instigated by a group of passionate local individuals and organisations.

KEIM Mineral Paints were referred to Nene Park Trust by Hirst Conservation who completed a survey of the mural. They recommended KEIM as a breathable longterm alternative to traditional masonry or acrylic paints.

Samples were sent to the project in order to confirm that KEIM could match the vibrance and depth of the original colours and bring it back to its former glory.

David Smith, Senior Sales Executive of KEIM Mineral Paints, specified KEIM Soldalit over the previously painted render to refurbish the mural and provide a fade free system.

Sarah Haythornthwaite, Peterborough Presents Programme Director commented “It’s just amazing to see the mural emerge and we are so very grateful to the skilled work of the artists and conservators bringing it back to life.”