List of featured suppliers of FIRE CHECK DOORSETS Smoke Control Combined BS 476 Part 22 or BWF Certifire FD30S on Building Products Index

A doorset that has been designed to provide resistance to fire and smoke, according to the British Standard 476 Part 22 or certified by the British Woodworking Federation Certifire FD30s standard. This doorset is capable of preventing the spread of fire and smoke between different areas or compartments of a building, and can therefore help to protect people and property in the event of an emergency.

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Hygienic wall & celing systems, hygienic internal cladding, hygienic wall lining sytems, hygienic doorsets & doors.

Tel: 01462 489516
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Profab Access Ltd supply a wide range of Access Panels, Riser Doors, Steel Doors and Floor Access Covers suitable for all types of projects. Our range of products provide elegant and seamless access to a wide range of services whilst maintaining aesthetics without compromise.

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Tel: 01827
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Premdor are leading manufacturers of domestic internal and external doors and doorsets for houses and apartments. Premdor also supply ranges of timber windows and through Hills Cubicles a range of toilet cubicles. Premdor's huge range of doors and doorsets are available in a range of timbers and veneers and also domestic FD 30 fire doors, patio doors, folding doors and French doors. Our range of Secured by Design timber windows include sliding sash, casement and timber bay windows.

Tel: 0844 209 0008