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These files are provided by the manufacturer. While Building Products Index takes every care to ensure the information is correct and up to date, we cannot be held liable for any out of date or incorrect information in them. You should check with the supplier before specifying or purchasing products.

TOUPRET UK LTD: 0 - Toupret UK User Guide 2024
Wood Fillers, Interior Fillers, Scrim coats, Crack fillers. Decorating Fillers, Damp resistant fillers, Joint Fillers, Spray plastering.

Published [15/07/2024]File size [8154 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: 0- Toupret All Wood Jobs Covered 2024
wood solutions, Toupret’s system of products to carry out your restoration project, from hardening rotten wood to repairing, reshaping, filling and fine finishing, as well as glazing wooden window frames

Published [15/07/2024]File size [7781 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: 0- Toupret Simply Better Fillers
Toupret’s JOINT, SKIM & FILL range is specially formulated to joint, skim and fill with one coat, no shrinkage, no need to spot prime and easy sanding. Decorators Fillers.

Published [15/07/2024]File size [1789 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: 0- Toupret Spray Plaster e-booklet 2023
spray plasters

Published [25/11/2024]File size [1453 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: 1. Toupret FT Anti Damp Render Humi-Block
Breathable barrier for applying directly to interior and exterior masonry. Ideal for basements and garages. Can be applied by brush or trowel to damp, porous & untreated surfaces. HumiBlock Anti Damp Render

Published [30/01/2025]File size [451 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupet FT Plaster of Paris TT UK
Plaster of Paris: gypsum plaster based interior filler, in powder, manual application. PLASTER OF PARIS applies on unpainted, new or renovated, substrates: • Gypsum plaster, plaster tiles, plaster boards, • Cement, concrete, cellular concrete breeze blocks, bricks, stones InteriorFillers. PlasterOfParis

Published [06/02/2024]File size [455 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Adhesive Scrim

Published [30/01/2025]File size [338 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Airless All In One Plaster
Ready to use one coat airless spray plaster for interior levelling and fine finishing of walls and ceilings. Sprayed Airless Plasters ToupretFTAirlessAllinOnePlaster

Published [30/01/2025]File size [420 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Airless Jointing Plaster
Ready to use airless spray plaster for interior jointing and skimming of plasterboard. ToupretFTAirlessJointingPlaster

Published [30/01/2025]File size [427 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Airless Plaster
Airless Plaster For Levelling Walls & Ceilings

Published [30/01/2025]File size [425 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Anti - Damp Treatment
Humistop Ready to use anti-damp treatment that acts as a moisture barrier to block problem moisture and cover micro cracks. Anti-Damp Treatment can be applied to damp but not dripping substrates: - Old painted substrates, cement, bricks and stone. Moisture Barriers AntiDampFillers AntiDampPrimers AntiDampTreatments

Published [30/01/2025]File size [430 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Extra Fine Surface Filler UK
An exceptionally smooth finish, helps to enhance the appearance of interior paint finishes and decorative coatings. Also great for filling very fine cracks. Decorators Fillers. ToupretFTExtraFineSurfaceFiller

Published [30/01/2025]File size [518 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Fill - Flex UK
Ready to use all purpose flexible filler, suitable for new and renovated surfaces on interiors and exteriors. Can fill up to 1cm. Fill-Flex can be applied to any substrate either unpainted or painted: - Gypsum plaster, plaster tiles, plasterboards, mortars - Old painted surfaces, concrete, cellular concrete - Cement, breeze blocks, bricks, stones and primed wood. Flexible Fillers. Fibacryl, FillFlex.

Published [30/01/2025]File size [533 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Glazing Putty White UK
White putty for the glazing of wooden window frames. Glazing Putty can be applied to any types of woods, including common exotic species, and all primed woods. GlazingPutties GlazingPuttyWhite

Published [06/02/2024]File size [494 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Interior Filler UK

Published [06/02/2024]File size [588 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Joint and Skim Ready to Use UK
Ready to use interior filler for plasterboard jointing and surface finishing. Suitable for manual and machine application with Airspray machine

Published [06/02/2024]File size [409 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Joint Skim and Fill Quick Dry UK
One Coat Filler For plasterboard jointing, filling and surface finishing.

Published [06/02/2024]File size [529 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Masonry Repair Filler UK
Masonry Repair Filler, Repair Filler in powder, for exterior use, manual application

Published [06/02/2024]File size [425 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Patch & Repair Filler Ready to Use UK
Ready mixed interior repair filler for gaps, cracks, scratches and holes on plasterboard and all internal substrates

Published [06/02/2024]File size [659 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Patch and Repair Filler Quick Dry UK

Published [06/02/2024]File size [759 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Quick Dry Filler for Walls & Ceilings UK
Quick drying one-coat interior powder fillers for filling to any depth. Ready to paint in 3 hours. REDLITE® can be applied on any substrate either unpainted or painted • Gypsum plaster, plaster tiles, plasterboards • Old painted surfaces • Cement, concrete, cellular concrete • Breeze blocks, bricks, stones • Primed wood QuickDryFillerTX110

Published [01/02/2024]File size [516 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Quick Fill Exterior UK

Published [06/02/2024]File size [538 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Quick Fill Filler
Lightweight and ready to use, doesn't shrink and ready to paint in 30 minutes. Ideal quick interior filler for one-coat repairs, gaps, cracks on walls and ceilings. Interior Fillers. QuickFill

Published [01/02/2024]File size [566 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Ready to use Filler UK
Ready to use interior filler for repairs, gaps, cracks on walls and ceilings

Published [06/02/2024]File size [554 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Ready to Use Skimcoat Filler Exterior UK
Exterior ready to use skimming filler. Lightweight and suitable for manual or spray machine application. Ready To Use Skimcoat Filler can be applied to either painted or unpainted substrates: - Concrete, cellular concrete, shuttered concrete - Any type of filler, cement mortars and renders - Breeze blocks, bricks, stone, glass and glazed tiles. ReadyToUseSkimcoatFillers

Published [06/02/2024]File size [574 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Renovation Skimcoat
Decorators Skimcoat Ready to use interior filler for surface levelling, skimming and jointing. Especially suitable for high-build applications (up to 5mm) such as levelling rough surfaces and covering texture.

Published [06/02/2024]File size [571 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Renovation Skimcoat Interior UK
Ready to use interior filler for surface levelling, skimming and jointing. Especially suitable for high-build applications (up to 5mm) such as levelling rough surfaces and covering texture. Decorators Skimcoats ToupretFTRenovationSkimcoat

Published [25/11/2024]File size [571 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Rock Solid Repair Filler Mur Ex UK
Exterior repair filler, sets to a rock hard finish with exceptional adhesion. Can be used on all substrates. Rock Solid Repair Filler can be applied to new or renovated, painted or unpainted substrates: - Old painted surfaces, cement, concrete - Breeze blocks, bricks , stones, glass and glazed tiles. ExteriorRepairFillers. RockSolidRepairFillers, MurEx

Published [06/02/2024]File size [526 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Skim - Flex UK
Skim-Flex TX 140® Ready to use flexible skimcoat fillers For covering and levelling all types of substrates, inside and out, including soft and moving substrates and great for covering tiles. For filling up to 5mm and fine surface covering. Flexible Skimcoats. SkimFlexTX140

Published [06/02/2024]File size [493 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Skimcoat Filler Exterior UK
Exterior skimming filler for covering cracked and damaged render and masonry. Designed for covering large surfaces, thanks to it's smooth application. Excellent adhesion on new and renovated surfaces

Published [06/02/2024]File size [513 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Tough Multi Filler UK
Exterior fibre-reinforced filler. Tough with excellent adhesion and versatile: for repairs, filling and skimming on all building substrates.

Published [06/02/2024]File size [371 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Wall Hardner TT UK
Penetrating, stabilising hardener to stabilise and harden loose or powdery substrates.

Published [25/11/2024]File size [484 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Wood Filler 403
Ready to use and suitable for all types of wood internally and externally. Can be stained or painted with any type of conventional paint or coating after 12 hours. Wood Filler can be applied to any type of wood, including common exotic species, chipboard and plywood. For optimal results, apply Wood Hardener beforehand. WoodFillers ToupretFTWoodFiller

Published [25/11/2024]File size [347 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Wood Hardener UK
Waterbased wood hardener treatment for interior and exterior use. Provides improved adhesion when overcoating. Toughens rotten wood. Adheres to damp wood. ToupretFTWoodHardener

Published [25/11/2024]File size [436 KB]

TOUPRET UK LTD: Toupret FT Wood Repair Filler 406
Quick drying powder filler. Great for shaping and form work on all types of wood, indoors and out. It has no depth limit and offers excellent adhesion. Can be stained or painted with any type of conventional paint, varnish or stain after 3 hours. Wood Fillers ToupretFTWoodRepairFiller

Published [25/11/2024]File size [309 KB]