These files are provided by the manufacturer. While Building Products Index takes every care to ensure the information is correct and up to date, we cannot be held liable for any out of date or incorrect information in them. You should check with the supplier before specifying or purchasing products.

1. Marley Product Catalogue
Clay Plain and Profiled Rooftiles, Concrete Rooftiles, Cedar Shingles and Shakes, Roofing Underlays, Roofing battens, Dry Fix and Ventilation Systems. Roof integrated solar panels. Marley SolarTile, JB Red, Flexfast, Canterbury, Ashdowne, Hawkins, Acme Double Camber, Acme Single Camber, Eden, Lincoln, Ashmore, Edgemere, Modern and Duo Modern, Double Roman, Mendip, Ludlow Plus, Ludlow Major, EcoLogic Ludlow Major, Anglia, Wessex, Solofix, Hipfast, Ridgefast. Ecologic NOx removal coatings (Photocatalytic granules stimulated by sunlight to remove Nitrogen Oxide and pollutants)

Published [08/10/2024]File size [13434 KB]

2. Marley A5 Roofing Accessories Feb 2019
Marley Roofing Accessories, dry fix roofing, eaves vents, dry verge systems, dry ridge systems, roofing lead, roof vents, roof vent terminals

Published [08/10/2024]File size [3517 KB]

2. Marley Solar Roof System and Renewables Brochure
Marley SolarTile®, the integrated solar roof system has come of age. We offer the highest quality with desirable aesthetics at competitive prices, and the ability to capitalise on the design, installation and long-term performance benefits of the full Marley Roof System

Published [12/11/2024]File size [3178 KB]

3. Marley Roofing Sitework Guide 2024 Brochure
roofing sitework guide, Clay Plain and Profiled Rooftiles, Concrete Rooftiles, Shingles and Shakes, Roofing Underlays, Roofing battens, Dry Fix and Ventilation Systems. JB Red, Flexfast, Eden, Lincoln, Ashmore, Melodie. Universal Ridgefast, Duo Edgemere, Modern and Duo Modern, Double Roman, Mendip, Ludlow Plus, Ludlow Major, EcoLogic Ludlow Major, Anglia, Wessex

Published [27/08/2024]File size [23332 KB]

4. Marley Roof Defence Brochure
Marley Roof Defence Firestops. Roof Defence forms an intumescent fire-resistant barrier below the roof and ridge tiles – and above the party walls or spandrel panels below the roof covering – which separate different properties within roof spaces or provide lines of compartmentation, typically in attached or terraced housing.

Published [12/11/2024]File size [1558 KB]

5. Marley Weatherboard Brochure 2023
Fibre cement Weatherboard. Weatherboarding and Claddings.

Published [08/10/2024]File size [1535 KB]

6. Marley Clay Plain Tiles Brochure
Marley Clay Plain Tiles Clay roof Tiles Clay Tiles

Published [12/11/2024]File size [8400 KB]

7. Marley Decking Brochure v6
Antislip Timber Decking, Citideck, AntislipPlus

Published [12/11/2024]File size [948 KB]

8. Marley Edgemere Interlocking Slate Brochure
The thin leading edge of Standard, Riven Edgemere and Duo Edgemere interlocking slates, offers a range of low profile and slate-like solutions to standard interlocking roof tiles. Roofing Slates, Slate Roof tiles, Interlocking Slate Tiles

Published [08/10/2024]File size [3976 KB]

Marley Arcbox Technical Guide
The ArcBox enclosure simply snaps around a DC connector to ensure that if an arc ever occurs it is safely contained and doesn’t spread to combustible materials in or around the solar installation

Published [08/10/2024]File size [1017 KB]

Marley Decking Specification Guide - Apr 24
Commercial softwood decking specification

Published [08/10/2024]File size [6157 KB]

Marley Fibre Cement Slate Accessories Flyer
Dry-Fix roofing accessories and trims for fibre cement slates. Continuous Ridge ventilation roll, Dry fixed verge, GRP dry valleys, in-line slate ventilators, dry fixed soakers.

Published [12/11/2024]File size [1346 KB]

Marley Fire Safety Solar Roof Panels Datasheet
Marley SolarTile solar pv photovoltaic panels. Guidance shows how to ensure you comply with regulations for external spread of flame when installing in-roof solar panels, roof integrated solar panels on pitched roofs.

Published [12/01/2021]File size [244 KB]

Marley Part L Insight Paper
Marley’s survey of architects, specifiers, and housebuilders highlights several issues connected to the imminent introduction of the interim update to PartL of the Building Regulations. Part L, sustainablility, solutions and specification process.

Published [13/05/2022]File size [564 KB]

Marley Roof System Specification Guide
Clay Plain and Profiled Rooftiles, Concrete Rooftiles, Cedar Shingles and Shakes, Roofing Underlays, Roofing battens, Dry Fix and Ventilation Systems. Roof integrated solar panels. Decking. Marley SolarTile, JB Green, Flexfast, Citideck, Canterbury, Ashdowne, Hawkins, Acme Double Camber, Acme Single Camber, Eden, Lincoln, Ashmore, Edgemere range, Modern and Duo Modern, Double Roman, Mendip, Ludlow Plus, Ludlow Major, EcoLogic Ludlow Major, Anglia, Wessex.

Published [08/10/2024]File size [14079 KB]

Marley Roofing Battens Brochure
roofing battens

Published [09/04/2024]File size [14467 KB]

Marley Shingles Brochure 2022
Timber Shingles Western Red Cedar Shingles roofing shingles

Published [09/04/2024]File size [2567 KB]

Marley Solar Pitch Datasheet
Marley SolarTile solar pv photovoltaic panels. What the MCS012 regulations mean for roof integrated solar panels on pitched roofs. In-Roof Solar panels.

Published [27/08/2024]File size [106 KB]

Marley Solar Roof Datasheet
Marley SolarTile® 335W photovoltaic panels offer the genuine cost-saving benefits of using renewable energy to help power our homes, along with sleek aesthetics and long-lasting, maintenance-free performance

Published [12/11/2024]File size [505 KB]

Marley SolarTile 410Wp Datasheet
Marley SolarTile® 410Wp photovoltaic panels offer the cost- saving benefits of using renewable energy to help power our homes, along with sleek aesthetics and long-lasting, low- maintenance performance.

Published [27/08/2024]File size [685 KB]