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ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Addabound - Resin Bound Porous Decorative Surfacing
A ‘cold applied’ surface course consisting of a minimum blend of three aggregate particles, fully coated with a flexible resin with enhanced UV resistance providing an attractive, hardwearing, low maintenance surface using a range of natural and recycled aggregates. The finished surface, which can be used externally and internally, provides a bound paving system that is flexible and resistant to cracking. Addabound is a BBA certified product and has an EPD certificate. Life expectancy will vary depending on usage but typically a minimum life expectancy of 15–25 years should be expected.Features and benefits:Aesthetically pleasing.Recycled ContentDurable.UV stable.Low maintenance.Can be applied on to asphalt and concrete or other stable substrates.Coverage: Please refer to site mix sheets.Full chemical cure: Seven days.Shelf life: Three months.
Resin-bound mixed aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]
ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Addacolor - Coloured Resin Bound Decorative Surfacing
A 'cold applied' clear polyurethane resin screed with enhanced UV resistance designed to bind a coloured coated aggregate that is flexible and resistant to cracking. It can be supplied in a wide range of colours allowing imaginative designs to be incorporated within the paved surface. Life expectancy will vary depending on usage but typically a minimum life expectancy of 15–25 years should be expected.Features and benefits:Aesthetically pleasing.Durable.UV stable.Low maintenance.Can be applied on to asphalt and concrete or other stable substrates.
Resin-bound mixed aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]
ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Addaflex-R Rubber and Aggregate Resin Bound Porous Surfacing
Addaflex-R recycled rubber and aggregate resin bound surfacing is a cold applied clear polyurethane resin screed with enhanced UV resistance designed to bind a recycled rubber and aggregate which is flexible and resistant to cracking. Available in 50% recycled rubber and 50% aggregate blend or 25% recycled rubber and 75% aggregate blend. Life expectancy will vary depending on usage but typically a minimum life expectancy between 15–25 years should be expected.Features and benefits:Recycled contentDurable.UV stable.Low maintenance.Can be applied on to asphalt and concrete or other stable substrates.6 mm aggregate.
Resin-bound mixed aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]
ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Addagrip Addastone (TP) Resin Bonded Surfacing for Tree Pits
A UV stable polyurethane resin with enhanced UV resistance designed to bind natural and recycled aggregates to provide a fully bonded and attractive porous surface to tree pits or walkways.Features and benefits:Installed flush with the surrounding paving areas - won't become a litter trap like traditional tree grilles.The open texture provides a highly porous resin bound surface, allowing the tree roots access to both air and water penetration. Preparation:Areas to be filled with resin bonded aggregate must be clean and dry with a minimum infill depth of 50–100 mm, 25 mm depth if areas are not to be walked on. A quantity of loose chosen aggregate to be mixed with the PU Addastone TP UV RESIN should be applied to the area at a depth of 25-50 mm below the top surface level depending on expected pedestrian traffic loading.Aggregates used must be washed, clean and dry with a minimum grading of 2–5 mm, for greater percolation of water a minimum grading of 6–10 mm should be used. A suitable protective collar should be installed 50–100 mm from the base of the trunk to allow for growth.Mixing/ application:The contents of PU Addastone TP UV Resin Part ‘B’ should be added to container PU Addastone TP UV Resin Part ‘A’ and thoroughly mixed together using a drill and paddle or similar. Immediately add catalyst Part ‘C’ and thoroughly mix again using the drill and paddle. The mixed PU Addastone TP UV Resin should then be poured on to the chosen aggregates and placed in a forced action mixer and mixed thoroughly until all aggregate is coated in resin. The approximate ratio of aggregate to resin is 1 kg PU Addastone TP UV Resin to 20–25 kgs of aggregate. For a stronger bond, a ratio of 1 kg PU Addastone TP UV Resin to 20 kgs of aggregate.The mixed resin and aggregate should then be placed in the area to be filled and trowelled to a flat finish. While the resin is still wet apply a scattering of kiln-dried quartz or similar to improve skid resistance.Do not apply in wet conditions. Recommended temperature of application should be 5°C up to 30°C. Allow to cure for 3–6 hours at 18°C.It is recommended not to apply the resin bonded aggregate to the area between the tree trunk and the protective collar; fill gap with loose aggregate or Addaflex-R to allow the tree space to grow. If the resin bonded finish is to be applied up to the tree trunk apply thinly and feather off as required to the maximum depth of the aggregate used 6–10 mm.
Resin-bonded aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]
ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Addaset - Resin Bound Surfacing System
A ‘cold applied’ surface course consisting of a minimum blend of three aggregate particles, fully coated with a flexible UV-stable resin with enhanced UV resistance providing an attractive, hardwearing, low maintenance surface using a range of natural aggregates. The finished surface, which can be used externally and internally, provides a bound paving system that is flexible and resistant to cracking. Addaset is a BBA certified product and has an EPD certificate. Life expectancy will vary depending on usage but typically a minimum life expectancy between 15–25 years should be expected.Features and benefits:Aesthetically pleasing.Durable.UV stable.Low maintenance.Can be applied on to asphalt and concrete or other stable substrates.
Resin-bound mixed aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]
ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Addastone - PLUS Resin Bonded Surfacing
An attractive, safe, hard-wearing, low maintenance surface designed for pedestrian and light vehicular areas where a natural textured/ loose aggregate appearance is desired.Life expectancy depends on aggregate size, type and surface use but is typically 8–15 years for footpaths, 6–10 years for domestic drives and 5–8 years for heavily used car parks and roads.Features and benefits:Aesthetically pleasing.Durable.UV stable.Low maintenance.Can be applied on to asphalt and concrete.Sealant/ Primer: All clean and dry bituminous surfaces should be prepared by vacuum-assisted shot blasting. Concrete and timber surfaces should be abraded to provide a mechanical key and primed with EP Addastone primer scattered with a fine quartz aggregate 0.4–0.8 mm. Steel surfaces should be degreased and lightly shot blasted or abraded prior to application of a suitable metal primer, apply a fine quartz aggregate 0.4–0.8 mm to provide a mechanical key. PU Addastone PLUS Fibre Filler should be added to the resin to prevent soaking in on porous surfaces.
Resin-bonded aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]
ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Stonebound Resin Bound Porous Decorative Surfacing
The Stonebound Resin Bound Porous surfacing system is a ‘cold applied’ surface course consisting of a minimum blend of three aggregate particles, fully coated with a flexible UV-stable resin with enhanced UV resistance providing an attractive, hardwearing, low maintenance surface using a range of natural aggregates. The finished surface, which can be used externally and internally, provides a bound paving system which is flexible and resistant to cracking. Life expectancy will vary depending on usage but typically a minimum life expectancy between 15–25 years should be expected.Features and benefits:Aesthetically pleasing.Durable.UV stable.Low maintenance.Can be applied on to asphalt and concrete or other stable substrates.
Resin-bound mixed aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]
ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Terrabase Classic - Resin Bound Decorative Porous
A decorative, contemporary and permeable surface suitable for pedestrian footpaths and domestic driveways subject to occasional trafficking by light vehicles and parking areas. Depending on requirements, it can be applied directly onto most suitable surfaces and gradients. For foot traffic areas only it can be installed directly onto the ground with no (or minimal) digging or edging required.An ideal replacement or overlay system for self-binding surfaces such as Hoggin Replacing old blocks and paving, even onto grass, it is fully bound and will not be washed away, the product is porous, allowing water to permeate/ percolate through the surface and beyond when a suitable base build-up is configured for SuDS, and requires no planning permission in most circumstances The patented system incorporates:Terrabase Geofabric – a high density, needle punched membrane base.Terrabase Addagrid – offering strength and durability.Terrabase Resin Bound – using BBA-approved 6 and 10 mm Addaset, Addabound or Terrabound Resin Bound systems. or Stoneboud RangeA range of Terrabase Classic finishes is available.Features and benefits:Requires no large machinery to install.No asphalt sub-base or concrete requirement.Minimum disruption.The edging is part of the product.Fast installation.SuDs-compliant porous surface.Provides a natural-looking seamless finish offering strength and durability.
Resin-bound mixed aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]
ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Terrabase Rustic - Resin Bound Paving system
A decorative and natural rustic looking permeable surface, suitable for pedestrian footpaths and domestic driveway areas subject to occasional trafficking by light vehicles.Depending on requirements for pedestrian footpath areas it can be applied directly onto most suitable surfaces and gradients. Potentially it can even be installed directly onto the ground with no or minimum digging or edging required.An ideal replacement or overlay system for self-binding surfaces such as hoggin as it is fully bound and will not be washed away, the innovative structured build-up ensures a SuDs compliant surface that allows water to drain through the product. Maximum porosity is achieved when applied directly onto a compacted MOT Type 3 sub-base or similar installed prior to application. The patented system incorporates:Terrabase Geofabric – A high density, needle punched membrane base.Terrabase Addagrid – Offering strength and durability.Terrabase Rustic Resin – Binder.A standard range of Terrabase Rustic finishes are available, each an exact formulation of aggregates bound with specific quantities of resin.Features and benefits:Does not require large machinery to install.No asphalt sub-base or concrete requirement.Minimum disruption.The edging is part of the product.Fast installation.SuDs compliant porous surface.Provides a natural-looking seamless finish offering strength and durability.Environmental Product Declaration.10 year product guarantee.
Resin-bound mixed aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]
ADDAGRIP TERRACO LTD: Terrabound Resin Bound Surfacing
A 'cold applied' surface course consisting of a minimum blend of three aggregate particles, fully coated with a flexible resin providing an attractive, hardwearing, low maintenance surface using a range of natural aggregates. The finished surface, which can be used externally and internally, provides a bound paving system that is flexible and resistant to cracking. Terrabound is a BBA certified product and has an EPD certificate. Life expectancy varies depending on usage but typically a minimum life expectancy between 10–15 years should be expected.Features and benefits:Aesthetically pleasing.SUDS Compliant.Durable.Low maintenance.Can be applied on to asphalt, concrete or other stable substrates.
Resin-bound mixed aggregate surfacings
Published [04/04/2024]