Procter Contracts - Guide To School Bike Shelters

October 2023

Guide to School Bike Shelters

School bike shelters are a crucial addition for any school looking to encourage and promote sustainable and healthy modes of transportation for its students and staff. These covered structures provide a secure and protected storage solution for bikes, keeping them safe from theft and harsh weather conditions. With a bike shelter at school, students can easily grab their bikes and be on their way to class, reducing traffic congestion and promoting a greener lifestyle.

Benefits of a School Bike Shelter

A bike shelter offers a range of benefits for schools and its students. These include:

Security: Bikes stored in a bike shelter are less likely to be stolen or damaged, providing peace of mind for students.
Convenience: Biking to school is a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation, and a bike shelter makes it easier for students to grab their bikes and be on their way.
Protection from the elements: Bikes stored in a shelter are protected from sun, wind, rain, and snow, keeping them in good condition and ready to ride.
Encouragement of biking: A bike shelter encourages more students to bike to school, reducing traffic congestion and promoting a healthy and environmentally friendly mode of transportation.
Space-saving: A bike shelter takes up less space than individual bike racks, making the most of limited outdoor space.

Procter Contracts – Your Partner for School Bike Shelters

At Procter Contracts, we understand the importance of designing and installing high-quality and secure school bike storage solutions. Our team of experts has worked with head teachers, architects, contractors, civil engineers, and developers on standard and custom-built bike shelters for schools throughout the UK.

We offer a range of bike storage solutions, from simple cost-effective bike stands and scooter racks to completely secure lockable bike shelters and enclosed bike compounds. Our shelters can also be adapted for use in a variety of commercial settings, including offices, retail parks, housing developments, hospitals, and transportation hubs.

Why Invest in a Bicycle Shelter for Schools?

With the growing popularity of cycling, schools and other public arenas have an increased responsibility to provide safe and secure storage solutions for bikes. By providing a convenient and secure cycle shelter, you can help make cycling a viable choice of transportation for more people. Whether you’re a facilities manager, site developer, or a school head teacher, investing in a bicycle shelter for your school is a smart move for your organisation.

Procter Contracts – A Name You Can Trust

Procter Contracts is a professional company that meets HSE & European Standards for gates and fencing systems. With over two centuries of experience in providing security and protection, we specialise in school bicycle shelters, security gates, and school fencing, and provide design and installation for all our products.

Invest in a safe and secure bicycle shelter for your school and contact Procter Contracts today for your free quote and school site survey!