How does Gaia support CPD for underfloor heating?

December 2022

Staying up-to-date is essential in any sector – and the design, supply and installation of underfloor heating systems is no exception.

As UK leaders, here at Gaia we support our customers and partners in the construction world with CPD in any aspects of underfloor heating.

So, we’ve had a closer look at CPD, its benefits for underfloor heating and the CPD we offer here at Gaia.

What is CPD?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development.

It is the term used across the working world to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to maintain and enhance their skills.

As the name suggests, CPD should be a continual commitment to lifelong learning within a chosen career.

In practise, CPD can encompass any mode of learning – from attending a training course or trade seminar, through studying for specific qualifications, to learning new skills on-the-job.

Though CPD can be self-led and informal, there is typically a requirement to make it official – either to satisfy an employer or a professional standards or membership organisation.

What are the benefits of CPD for underfloor heating?

As we all know, within construction and heating, nothing stands still!

New technology, techniques, health & safety, building regulations and sustainability are just some of the areas which are constantly evolving and advancing.

Rather than simply reacting to changes or innovation, CPD encourages learning to become conscious and proactive. It can include many different methods, such as training courses, seminars, workshops, conferences, events, webinars and online programs.

As well as listening and learning, effective CPD should include a level of two-way interaction – sharing thoughts, ideas, challenges and solutions within the work environment.

CPD encourages people to find opportunities to:

Refresh existing knowledge
Learn something new
Keep up-to-date with industry changes
Improve skills
Identify and experience better ways of working

Whether formal or informal, a record of CPD should be kept to help demonstrate how an individual’s professional skills and experience are growing.

What CPD does Gaia offer?

As the UK’s leading supplier of underfloor heating systems, we also deliver CPD and training on how to specify and install underfloor heating systems.

We offer a variety of CPD materials and seminars on electric underfloor heating systems, wet underfloor heating systems and frost protection systems.

We tackle a number of areas for which we have dedicated seminars delivered by members of our team with the very latest industry knowledge, experience and expertise.

However, we also provide a bespoke service, tailoring the support and training we provide to the individual needs of you or your team.

In addition, our seminars are highly interactive, encouraging discussion with everyone who attends to identify the very best knowledge and working practises.

Our CPD sessions frequently cover topics including:

Designing underfloor heating systems and planning installations
Features and benefits of differing technology and solutions
Installation techniques, challenges and considerations
Understanding and working with differing structure (flooring materials, insulation and finishes)
Effective space heating and frost protection

Our seminars are held in-person or virtually using video conferencing tools including Zoom, Teams or whichever platform you use.

They can involve any number of participants from one to ten and last approximately 45 minutes to an hour – or beyond.

In addition to the actual session, we provide digital and written materials and are available to provide continual support, advice and act as a sounding board.

If underfloor heating is a new area to your team, we can provide a detailed history, an overview of the latest technology and an understanding of the benefits, particularly in comparison to traditional radiator systems.

We can help with your CPD needs

If you or your team would like to better understand any element of underfloor heating design and installation – and its benefits – we can help.

Here at Gaia, we specialise in the design, supply and installation of both wet and dry underfloor heating systems. We work with architects, contractors, M&E consultants, builders, developers and homeowners across the UK and Ireland.

Whether your field is residential new-builds, commercial renovations or anything in between, our expert team are here to advise, support and provide valuable Continual Professional Development.