Graphenstone - Green paints for a greener planet

September 2022

Green paints for a greener planet

How can your choice of paint, help the environment?

It's no secret that the world is becoming more environmentally conscious. The general public, and your customers as a whole, are beginning to think more about the impact they're having on the planet. More importantly, they're thinking about the impact that the businesses they buy from are having.

Being carbon neutral, or at least carbon conscious, is a great badge to wear when it comes to PR. With Graphenstone paints, it's a badge that we can help you proudly paint on your chest.

Alongside creating beautiful rooms (be they, offices, kitchens, corridors, wherever you would paint), our products also create a greener planet. They do this by having a very low carbon footprint (CO2(e)), and by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air during the first 30 days after application. This results in a healthier working environment, as the air is cleaner, and a healthier atmosphere, due to a reduction in harmful gasses. You can discover exactly how our paints achieve this and how they can help with your ESG goals, by clicking here.

Our paints have a lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) than the industry's leading brand. One tub of Graphenstone Ambient Pro+ has a GWP of 0.18g per m2, whereas the industry-leading brand has a GWP of 0.399g per m2. That's a difference of 0.219g per m2.

A 15-litre tub of Ambient Pro+ captures around 5kg of CO2, mostly in the first 30 days of curing. On a site measuring 10,000 m2, Ambient Pro+ would absorb 475kg of carbon from the atmosphere (providing you used two coats). This large saving turns the painting of your site from an expenditure into a positive PR release that you can push across all your platforms.

So, the next time you're decorating an office, think of our carbon-saving paints and the positive reception you'll receive when you promote your efforts.

Paint a positive image of your business today. Stand out from the competition and show your customers you care.

So if you're planning any form of commercial refurbishment or decoration project (internal or external) Graphenstone can not only help with paints in stunning colours that are easily to apply, which also help you to do your bit to protect our fragile environment.

Why wouldn't you?

Order our latest Colour Card

Featuring 96 vibrant, rich colours. To order free, please email us at or visit

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