Rea Replace Windows at Cavendish Mill, Aston, Greater Manchester.

May 2022

Cavendish Mill, Aston, Greater Manchester.

Value: £ 630k

Client: New Charter Housing Trust.

Located on the banks of the Aston canal in Greater Manchester, the Grade II* listed former cotton mill is now been converted into social housing.

The building had fallen in to a poor state of repair & the wooden windows installed only ten years earlier were of poor standard & did not match the properties architectural heritage. It was decided by the buildings new owners New Charter Housing Trust that the building should be returned to its former glory & that new contemporary steel windows would be fitted.

REA Metal Windows won the contract & received an order for the replacement of some 350No. W40 high performance Part L compliant steel windows. As part of the 350No. Steel window replaced, there were also some special feature windows which had to be replaced “like for like” at the entrance to the building (the following picture & attached PDF drawing illustrates the curved feature windows which had to be hand made by skilled windows makers).

The project was completed on time & to the delight of the client & residents who have gained increased levels of comfort from the double glazed/double weather-stripped W40 steel windows.

The head of Investment for New Charter Housing, Danny Vose, comments:

“REA worked very hard on refining the design to get the right appearance, an even had to use a cradle to access the main elevation along the canal. The company did a very good job & installing steel windows has taken the building back better than it was before".

For more information on this project or to discuss your own requirements call us on: 0151 228 6373 or visit our website at: