Why Geggus Aluminium entrance matting is worth the initial investment

October 2021

It is fair to say that a high-quality entrance matting system is going to be more expensive than far simpler options like coconut, coir and barrier mats. However, these surface mats don’t deliver anything like the benefits of longevity, durability, safety and performance that an open structure matting system provides; especially when exposed to medium and high volumes of traffic in commercial entrances such as offices, shops and restaurants. It may be an old adage, but it’s certainly true in this case that you really do get what you pay for.

Why aluminium entrance matting systems really are worth the investment

Usually when investing in a premium quality product, you benefit from the best quality, service, support, and turnaround times. And that’s certainly true with our Geggus entrance matting system; as well as providing the highest standards of service, our mats also offer a great return on investment due to their long-life span and strength.Outdoor Geggus Entrance Matting with Dirt collecting tray

Geggus entrance mats all come with the security and assurance of a 5 year guaranty. In addition, the lifespan of our aluminium matting systems can be prolonged for well over a decade if a regular cleaning and maintenance routine is implemented. This can result in significant cost saving in the long run and is a very straightforward process which thanks to their unique design feature, means they can be rolled and removed from the matwell for easy cleaning.

Geggus entrance mats have an open structure that enable dirt, grit, and moisture to fall below the top of the mat and into the matwell below. This prevents the mat from being worn down by surface grime and instead keeps the entrance area clean, safe and visually attractive. This is just one of the many benefits that makes Geggus Aluminium matting worth the investment, particularly when compared to mats with a closed structure… as you can see in the image below:

Geggus Open Structure Aluminium Matting

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, the high-performance inserts designed into our aluminium entrance matting helps reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls by removing the maximum amount of dirt and moisture from shoes and wheels. This is supported by the use of ribbed carpet, brush strips and grooved rubber. In its life span, aluminium entrance matting not only helps keep a building’s staff and visitors safe, but also helps prevent potential injury and accident-related costs such as compensation and repairs.

Despite the initial investment, with a carefully chosen system (this is something our team of experts can help with) together with regular yet routine maintenance, aluminium matting is worth the investment. Throughout its life, the matting system will not only have prevented slips, trips and falls but also ensured that an elegant and professional first impression has been made.

For a quick, free quote and or for technical support please contact us on 01761 419427 or complete a quotation request form here – https://geggus.co.uk/quotation-form/.