C.A.T. profiles were installed at the Science Museum

August 2021

Science Museum

C.A.T. profiles were installed recently into the £24m refurbishment of the “Welcome Galleries” within the Science Museum.

Along the Cromwell Road in London’s SW7, lies the largest medicine gallery in the world.

The installation consists of over 47,000 individual pieces of new timber flooring making up over 3,000m2 installed overall!

You will notice our Brass Timberline profiles, used to create a visual zoned areas around many of the interesting medical displays, walkways and borders.

C.A.T. Timberline profiles for timber floors are available in different heights to suit various wood flooring and installation requirements, in brass, aluminium & stainless steel finishes.

Our technical team worked alongside all stakeholders to provide the correct profile and visual detail to add that finishing touch to an overall excellent award winning installation.

​End Client Science Museum, London SW7 

Architect Wilkinson Eyre 

Size 3000m2