Made To Measure Zoo Enclosures and Aviaries

May 2021

Zoos and wildlife parks have been popular attractions for over 200 years, not only for the excitement they provide of seeing non-native animals, but also for the conservation work they do. It is safe to say that animal enclosures have changed since the world’s oldest zoo was opened in Vienna in 1752. With “more space, fewer animals” becoming a motto adopted by many zoos and wildlife parks, technology and building materials have had to adapt.

Animal Enclosure Mesh Jakob Webnet

The introduction of Jakob’s rope systems and stainless steel Webnet wire mesh have allowed zoo curators to think outside the box when it comes to designing new animal enclosures. The capacity of Webnet means that there are virtually no restrictions on the scope and complexity of enclosures, allowing for safe spaces to be created for animals to thrive in. Webnet zoo enclosures are designed to fit in seamlessly with their surroundings. For example, in the Animal Park of Bern, a chough enclosure has been designed to connect to the park’s mountainous terrain. Jakob Rope Systems is a member of WAZA, the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, supporting research into new animal-friendly spaces that benefit both the animals and the public.

Made To Measure Animal Enclosures and Aviaries with Jakob Webnet

In addition to animal enclosures being designed to suit their inhabitants, it is important that visitors get the best possible viewing opportunity. Webnet wire mesh is available in a range of rope diameters and mesh apertures that allow for near transparent structures to be created – whilst still offering all-important security. A great example of where this has been achieved is the enclosures at Chester Zoo. Designed to house an array of animals, including Sulawesi macaques, Sumatran orangutans, rhinoceros hornbills and Bali myna, the enclosures were all bespoke designs, developed to suit the requirements of each animal whilst providing a fantastic viewing opportunity to visitors.

Chester Zoo Enclosure Mesh with Jakob Webnet

MMA Architectural Systems offers the full solution for the design, supply and maintenance of zoo enclosures. Working alongside the Jakob in-house engineering team, we offer an experienced technical team and on-site installers to provide a complete service. By gathering all the information, details and measurements for animal enclosures, MMA Architectural is able to manufacture made to measure animal enclosures and aviaries, that do not require cutting down on site.

Aviary Mesh Enclosure Jakob Webnet

If you would like further information about our bespoke animal enclosures, any of our other products or solutions, or would like to discuss an upcoming project, please contact us and we will be happy to help. You can also view more Jakob animal enclosure projects on our animal enclosures website.