Magply Boards Carry K-Rend Finish To Complete Exclusive Surrey Housing Development

October 2019

An exclusive residential development in Hambledon, Surrey, is making use of 12mm Magply boards, supplied by Elliotts Builders Merchants, as the carrier for a proprietary sprayed render system, as one of the main exterior finishes to a highly insulated structure based on the use of Structural Insulated Panels or SIPS.

The project is being undertaken by Hawksmoor Homes with OSP from Farnham being the architectural consultancy responsible for the design work, while Brighton based Fullers Plastering is providing a supply and fit package for the exterior rendering. The stylish three and four bedroom, two-storey properties present a traditional outward appearance, with clay roof tiles above the elevations of handmade bricks and highly weatherproof K-Rend panels.

The latter is applied to the 12mm Magply modified MgO boards, screwed to 50x50mm timbers fixed at 600mm centres across the SIPS structure. Significantly, the architect’s specifications leave the specialist sub-contractor free to utilise any render carrier board approved by the system manufacturer.

Simon, the site foreman for Fullers Plastering, commented:

“Our company covers a range of project types’ right along the South Coast and up across London and we have employed a variety of carrier boards in the past. This is the second time I have used Magply, Fullers having made the switch because it is an easier board to cut and fix, while it also takes the HP12 base coat very well.”

Resources for MAGPLY