These files are provided by the manufacturer. While Building Products Index takes every care to ensure the information is correct and up to date, we cannot be held liable for any out of date or incorrect information in them. You should check with the supplier before specifying or purchasing products.
1. TROX UK Air Purifiers
TROX AIR PURIFIERS, The safe solution to protect against viral aerosols. Covid-19 coronavirus infection control air purifying units.
Published [08/02/2022]File size [1724 KB]
1. TROX UK Airflow Control Brochure
System Components for Air Distribution. Ventilation and air conditioning systems. VARYCONTROL Air terminal units. CONSTANTFLOW Constant volume flow controllers. EXCONTROL components for explosion zones. Integration into building management systems BMS building automation LONWorks LONMark.
Published [04/11/2022]File size [35676 KB]
2. TROX UK AWS Air Water Systems Design Manual
Published [01/04/2022]File size [5112 KB]
3. TROX UK X-Beam Air Water Systems
Efficient indoor climate with X-BEAM air-water systems
Published [13/09/2021]File size [1814 KB]
4. TROX UK Type PWX Fancoil Unit
Type PWX fancoil unit
Published [04/11/2022]File size [3202 KB]
TROX Decentralised Ventilation
Façade ventilation systems for new and refurbished
offices, schools and children's daycare facilities
Published [07/10/2022]File size [3297 KB]
TROX Decentralised Ventilation Units
Decentralised ventilation units
Published [01/04/2022]File size [2528 KB]
TROX UK 2018 X-CUBE Air handling unit
The innovative air handling unit.
Published [06/09/2022]File size [2953 KB]
TROX UK Air Terminal Devices
RFD swirl diffuser including
■ Plenum box
■ Volume flow control
■ Noise insulation
Published [19/08/2022]File size [490 KB]
TROX UK Control Units
Ventilation and air conditioning systems
Published [04/11/2022]File size [956 KB]
The aluminium ventilation grille for all cases
Published [08/02/2022]File size [888 KB]
TROX X Beam Efficient Indoor Climate Brochure
with X-BEAM air-water systems
Published [22/10/2024]File size [1814 KB]
TROX X Cube Run Around Coil System For Efficient Heat Recovery
Run around coil system for efficient heat recovery
Published [07/10/2022]File size [1854 KB]