Opt for Pocket Door Systems – A Great Way To Save Space!
January 2020

Space-saving options are, of course, always really popular in the UK sliding door market. When homeowners decide to go for a sliding door mechanism, they're choosing to free up extra living space in tight corners, increase the elbow room in tiny rooms, and generally create a streamlined contemporary feel that gives a more spacious way of life.

In businesses and public spaces too, sliding doors look classy, professional and slick. Being smooth and effortless to use, they are especially useful if you or your family or colleagues have additional accessibility needs. That's why we want to let you know about an ingenious option that could suit you if you want to minimise the impact of door openings in your workplace or home. We're talking, the latest pocket door systems.

Sliding doors are already a step up from doors that need to open out into a room. But with the pocket door style of fitting, the sliding doors in your home or workplace can disappear completely out of sight when they are not required. The secret is all in the internal pocket or cavity that's built into the surrounding wall. With the mechanism built into place, whenever you slide the door back out of the way it slots neatly within the wall of your home, where it's conveniently hidden, leaving you complete room to move around.

The pocket door kit is a very simple and effective solution, especially if you're looking to fit sliding doors in a new build. Pocket door systems allow you to fit a sliding door in a stud wall with minimal fuss. You'll get everything you need in the kit – all the track, together with the hangers, guides and fixings required. If you're looking for a double door bi-parting layout, you can also get a jointing kit from us to achieve that.

With our recommended Ermetika pocket door system, you can transform your bedroom or ensuite. If you like, you can even achieve a curved pocket door system that is a striking design feature. It's a strong statement look in a designer home.

The maximum weight of the door is 90kg and the door thickness can range from 35 to 44mm. Pocket door kits can achieve excellent results with widths up to 1200mm or a maximum height of 2400mm.

Just take a look at the range of ways you can use a pocket door system, for fresh inspiration on renovating your new home or designing your brand new build. For more information, check out our detailed PDF on the Ermetika pocket door system!