Head Teacher gives Friendship Seat to school as retirement legacy

March 2019

Head Teacher gives Friendship Seat to school as retirement legacy

After nineteen years at Shawfield Primary School the retiring Head Teacher wanted to give a leaving present that would be her legacy to the school and a gift for all the children. She decided one of our Friendship Seats was just what she was looking for.
From our range of colours she chose just the yellow and green for the slats as these are the school colours. ‘Our Friendship Bench’ was engraved on the top slat with ‘We all shine, but we shine brighter together’ on the third back slat. On the front edge of the seat we engraved her dedication and the years she was Head Teacher at the school.
The seat now has pride of place in their school playground promoting kindness, caring and giving the children somewhere to sit and make new friends. Manufactured entirely from recycled plastic the seat will be a lasting legacy that will be around for many years.